Friday, July 23, 2010


It's my first post here, from the best person in the world: ADMIN GAGA. FUCK YEAH, BOW DOWN AND CRY!

So, this week was great and all, just like any normal week.

Apparently, this week, I've been trying out on my literary genius, if you want to read some of my work, read it here!

Enjoy! I'd really love it if you commented on it, please, just do!


Anyways, time for some fun stuff!

Here's an image by yours truly:

I love this image, it makes me think of the times when I was a kid, so imaginative, and free~~

Here's another image for Admin Jeyonce:
Lol, so true, I would totally love using this towards millions of people, way to go!

Haha, as always, invite more people, let's make this page a great one!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cell Cycle

Cell Cycle

is the series of events that the cells go through and divide; During the cell cycle, the cell grows, replicates its DNA and divides into two daughter cells.

EVENTS of Cell Cycle

Interphase- 3 phases (G1, S and G2)

S Phase- DNA replication

G1- cell increases in size

Cytokinesis- division of cytoplasm (shortest size)

Mitosis- division of cell molecules

Three Subunits of Nucleic Acids

1.) Nitrogenous Bases

2.) Sugar- deoxyribose sugar, ribose sugar

3.) Phosphate Group

Purine- Adenine Guanine

Pyrimidines- CytosinThymine

That is all, I guess.

Try to draw that too. It's a part of the notes, right?


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cells 1



We will have a quiz about this and this is good for a reviewer for long quizzes and quarterly exams this quarter..soooo yeah. :DD


Cell membrane- Organic compounds (proteins, lipids and carbohydrates)

- regulates the movement of materials in and out of the cell

Dietary Lipids-3 fatty acids & 1 glycerol

Phospholipids- 2 fatty acids and 1 phospate group

(phosphorous + oxygen)

Fluid Mosaic Model


hydrophilic- attracted to water

hydrophobic- unattracted to water

The head is Hydrophilic while the Tail is Hydrophobic.

The thing that helps cell molecules respond to their environment that is a part of the function of the cell membrane is: "Proteins"

Channel Protein-

allows particular molecule to pass through freely as it enters/exits the cell.

Carrier Protein-

A protein that selectively interacts with a specific molecule/ion so that it can cross the cell membrane to enter/exit the cell.

Cell Recignition Protein-

A glycoprotein that identify the cell.

Receptor Protein-

A protein that is shaped in such a way that a specific molecule can bind to it.

It's kind of a lock and key relationship.

Enzymatic Protein-

A protein that catalyzes a specific reaction.

Nucleus- (Robert Brown)

- control center of the cell (reproduction and protein synthesis)


RNA synthesis

Types of RNA

1.)mRNA (messenger)- will copy the genetic code so that it will leave the nucleus and put the copy to the ribosomes to make proteins.

2.)tRNA (transfer)- stays at the cytoplasm, waits for mRNA, interprets mRNA's copied code to be translated and further used in prontein synthesis.

3.)rRNA (ribosomal)- responsible for maintaining the ribosomes.

3 Main Parts of the Cell (animal and plant)

* cytoplasm

* nucleus

* cell membrane

Nucleoid Region-

structure where chromosomes are found in prokaryotes

Cytoplasm- (Johannes Purkinje)

suspends the various organelles; carried out various life functions.

Main Divisions and Regions of Protoplasm



Plant Cell Wall- made up of "cellulose fibrils" (pectin and lignin)

Bacterial Cell Wall- made up of peptidoglycan

Ribosomes- float freely in the cytoplasm

- site for protein synthesis

Mitochondria-site for cellular respiration; has an inner membrane called cristae which provide more surface area for greater cellular respiratory productivity.

Inner cavity into which the cristae project is called matrix.

Vacuoles- stores food, water and enzymes and excretes unnecessary wastes.

Lysosomes- used for digestion

- digests injured and dead cells


contains oxidative enzymes

Golgi Apparatus- (Camillo Golgi)

-system of flattened membrane-bound sacs that look like a stack of pancakes; involved in modifying and packaging.


Chloroplasts: (chloro= green, plasts= formed)

Carotenoid Pigments: (red,yellow,orange)

Anthocyanin: (red and violet)

Cytomembrane system

also known as endomembrane system

-network of pathways through whichmaterials flow to different parts of the cytoplasm.



*Macrotubules- centrioles; chromosomes; 9+0

- flagella and cilia; 9 + 2

That is All!

Thank You :)


Tuesday, July 20, 2010



Unidentified Slimy Object

Although it's kind of a living thing, let's just make the acronym stay as it is. :))

So yeah, back from the topic involving this strange creature in this picture. I mean, WTH is this?


Any clue? It's kinda' like a squid but it's not. (If you get what I mean)

So yeah,

this sure is a weird little one.

Either way, it's kinda' cute. Haha!


Just comment your guesses and we'll talk about this lil' dude. :DD

Jeyoncehere, Peace out! \m/


Yes, Um.

Anyways, here's our official blog site!
The admins can use this account freely and post stuffs about whatever enters in their mind.

Learn more about each of us and how we post stuffs! :)

Anyways, it's me; Jeyonce haha!

Sooo yeah.
This is only our first post for this site so it's more like an introduction whatnot. :DD

Every Tuesday, we have this tradition that we started during our freshman days which is a few months ago, we buy noodles for lunch every Tuesday.

we never continued the weekly routine due to "forgetting" and etc.

You guys should try this from time to time.

We started a new "tradition" which is the TGIF celebration. We will like, order something from a fastfood chain ish and celebrate the ending of the dreaded weekdays.


Anyways, thanks for liking our page and reading this post.

There is more to come so keep in touch with our latest posts in your recent news tab on fb.
Peace out. \m/