Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Cells 1



We will have a quiz about this and this is good for a reviewer for long quizzes and quarterly exams this quarter..soooo yeah. :DD


Cell membrane- Organic compounds (proteins, lipids and carbohydrates)

- regulates the movement of materials in and out of the cell

Dietary Lipids-3 fatty acids & 1 glycerol

Phospholipids- 2 fatty acids and 1 phospate group

(phosphorous + oxygen)

Fluid Mosaic Model


hydrophilic- attracted to water

hydrophobic- unattracted to water

The head is Hydrophilic while the Tail is Hydrophobic.

The thing that helps cell molecules respond to their environment that is a part of the function of the cell membrane is: "Proteins"

Channel Protein-

allows particular molecule to pass through freely as it enters/exits the cell.

Carrier Protein-

A protein that selectively interacts with a specific molecule/ion so that it can cross the cell membrane to enter/exit the cell.

Cell Recignition Protein-

A glycoprotein that identify the cell.

Receptor Protein-

A protein that is shaped in such a way that a specific molecule can bind to it.

It's kind of a lock and key relationship.

Enzymatic Protein-

A protein that catalyzes a specific reaction.

Nucleus- (Robert Brown)

- control center of the cell (reproduction and protein synthesis)


RNA synthesis

Types of RNA

1.)mRNA (messenger)- will copy the genetic code so that it will leave the nucleus and put the copy to the ribosomes to make proteins.

2.)tRNA (transfer)- stays at the cytoplasm, waits for mRNA, interprets mRNA's copied code to be translated and further used in prontein synthesis.

3.)rRNA (ribosomal)- responsible for maintaining the ribosomes.

3 Main Parts of the Cell (animal and plant)

* cytoplasm

* nucleus

* cell membrane

Nucleoid Region-

structure where chromosomes are found in prokaryotes

Cytoplasm- (Johannes Purkinje)

suspends the various organelles; carried out various life functions.

Main Divisions and Regions of Protoplasm



Plant Cell Wall- made up of "cellulose fibrils" (pectin and lignin)

Bacterial Cell Wall- made up of peptidoglycan

Ribosomes- float freely in the cytoplasm

- site for protein synthesis

Mitochondria-site for cellular respiration; has an inner membrane called cristae which provide more surface area for greater cellular respiratory productivity.

Inner cavity into which the cristae project is called matrix.

Vacuoles- stores food, water and enzymes and excretes unnecessary wastes.

Lysosomes- used for digestion

- digests injured and dead cells


contains oxidative enzymes

Golgi Apparatus- (Camillo Golgi)

-system of flattened membrane-bound sacs that look like a stack of pancakes; involved in modifying and packaging.


Chloroplasts: (chloro= green, plasts= formed)

Carotenoid Pigments: (red,yellow,orange)

Anthocyanin: (red and violet)

Cytomembrane system

also known as endomembrane system

-network of pathways through whichmaterials flow to different parts of the cytoplasm.



*Macrotubules- centrioles; chromosomes; 9+0

- flagella and cilia; 9 + 2

That is All!

Thank You :)


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